Webinar: A Century of Homemade Arms (Dec 15)

Virtual Symposium: A Century of Homemade Arms

This one-day, virtual symposium will be hosted online by Armament Research Services, beginning at :
1000 hrs U.S. Central Time on 15 December 2021.

The event is open to the public, but pre-registration is essential. Register to attend here.

Gun maker arrested in Saxony

A 75 year old German man in Saxony was recently arrested for home gunsmithing activities:

The Saxon police found four self-made weapons in a 75-year-old man from Zwickau. The man made the weapons with the help of a computer-assisted milling machine, a lathe, a 3D printer, welding equipment and other tools, as the police in Zwickau announced on Friday.

The police became aware of the suspect in connection with an international investigation into the fight against the illegal arms trade. The 75-year-old had ordered weapon parts that were prohibited in Austria. Officers then ransacked his home.

As a marksman, he legally owned four long guns and three short guns. He also had a permit to reload ammunition independently. However, the investigators also found five illegal weapons in the suspect, four of which he had built himself.

In addition, there is therefore an urgent suspicion that he manufactured silencers and other weapon parts. Among other things, 34 gun barrels, various grips, locks and several thousand rounds of ammunition were found during the search.

Rebels in Myanmar fight junta using 3D Printed Guns


A member of the PDF (People’s Defence Force) poses with a suppressed FGC-9 by Deterrence Dispensed, a 9mm semi automatic carbine which can be assembled anywhere in the world using a 3D printer and some steel tubing and springs from Aliexpress.

Captured FGC-9s from Military press report