FGC-9 carbines captured by government forces (Myanmar)

Three FGC-9 MK2s captured following a shootout with soldiers at a base camp in Sagaing on Wednesday.

4 thoughts on “FGC-9 carbines captured by government forces (Myanmar)

  1. Anonymous

    Who gives a shit, i originally started following this page because there used to be at least sometimes well made homemade guns from steel. Now it’s just cracking jokes at some crackheads zip guns, and posting fgc-9’s and other reddit guns on repeat.


  2. Anonymous

    But the FGC-9 is just so convenient! Besides, this is probably the first time that 3D printed platform has seen actual combat use.


  3. Anonymous

    Yes, but once one has seen the fgc-9 (or any other homemade gun) in this page why would he want to see it over and over again no matter how convenient it is.


  4. Informed

    Do you dense morons siriously not realize or just not care that multiple, at least three presumably,… Innocent rebel fighters were killed in the process of squiring this picture, taken by the genocidal military which has recently been wiping out it’s own ppl,… And the only thing those rebel fighters did wrong was not want to flee their homelands and or stay just to be torchured burned and or slaughtered by the taranical military



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