9 thoughts on “3D Printed Guns

  1. Docter455

    I didn’t know that a 9mm barrel existed for the songbird, also I am curious to why they didn’t just make a full on stock instead of that brace on the FGC-9?


      1. Docter455

        But a brace is inferior in most cases compared to a proper
        stock, the only part that I see “designed to look cool” is the hand stop on the green one, Jstark1809 has an FGC-9 with a stock based on a FAB defense design


  2. Docter455

    Also I should point out that the guy in commiefornia has printed the stock, the only reason I’d see that Australian guy printing the brace is either because they didn’t know that the other one existed or they were running low on material


    1. Docter455

      I stopped opposing gun control because they just can’t do anything about this, I’ve downloaded it, I’ve copied it to 6 individual USB drives, I’ve handed each one to a close friend, they know it now, but I’m gonna do more once I can buy more drives, gun control is dead. Cry about it.

      I haven’t actually done any of that, but that’s the actions I’d take. I totally agree with you. Every law is an infringement.


  3. Tracy

    About that story from California: so the deputy “contacted” him (violated his 4th amendment rights by stopping and searching him without having seen any crime), then “booked him on a felony charge (ruined his life for exercising his 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms). Too bad gun owners’ lives don’t matter.



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